Thank You To Our Supporters!

These organizations significantly enhance RT2012 through their participation and contributions. Please stop by their exhibits, look through their handouts, or follow the Web links below to learn about their products and services.

National Instruments logo, and link to Weiner Plein & Baus logo, and link to
ZNYX logo, and link to Struck Innovative Systeme logo, and link to
CAEN Technologies logo, and link to Schroff Worldwide logo, and link to

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society logo We also invite you to learn about the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, which has informative publications online for current and prospective members.

Vendor Exhibit and Patronage Opportunities

Your customers and competition will be there—make sure you are too!

We invite you to exhibit at RT2012. The conference will be held at the Shattuck Hotel in downtown Berkeley, California, June 11 through 15, 2012. The vendor exhibit will be June 11-12.

Exhibit-hall space will be assigned, first-come, first-served, upon receipt of payment. The deadline for payment was April 1, but opportunities may still be available, so don't delay!

Exploring These Opportunities

The People You'll Reach

The IEEE Real-Time Conference is held every two years and serves as the premier forum for interdisciplinary information exchange on realtime data acquisition and computing systems in physical science applications.

Historically, this event has congregated more than 200 scientists, educators, engineers and organizations sharing ideas, concepts and discoveries about real time systems. The conference travels among three continents, and we are proud to host the 2012 edition in Berkeley. Given the characteristics of the Bay Area, it represents a unique opportunity for the exhibitors. The area includes three National Laboratories, two of the top universities in the world, and a constellation of outstanding high-technology companies.

The conference will feature papers and posters on realtime systems for applications including high energy physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics and astroparticle physics, nuclear fusion, medical physics, space instrumentation, nuclear power instrumentation, real time security and safety and general radiation instrumentation.

Exhibitor Benefits

Your exhibit fee includes:

Exhibit Hours (subject to change)

Monday, June 11
8:30 a.m.10:00 a.m.
Monday, June 11
Exhibit Hours
10:00 a.m.8 p.m.
(Open during evening reception)
Tuesday, June 12
Exhibit Hours
8:30 a.m.6:30 p.m.

Exhibitor participation is important for the success and relevance of our conference. We look forward to welcoming you at RT2012.

Sergio Zimmermann, Chair, RT2012
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Alicia Zupeck, CMP, Conference Planner
IEEE Meeting & Conference Management
Phone: +1 800 810 4333
Direct: +1 732 562 3870
Fax: +1 732 465 6447

Berkeley Lab logo Hosted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory operated by the University of California UC logo