Abstract submission is closed as of March 11. The program committee is now evaluating the abstracts and assigning them to sessions and poster locations and will then issue letters of acceptance. Any requests for new submissions or corrections must be handled through personal correspondence with the Program Committee chairs, Réjean Fontaine and Patrick Ledû. Below you will find helpful information on the suggested topics for RT2012 and on how to prepare an abstract and supporting materials.

Call for Abstracts

RT 2012 is an interdisciplinary conference on realtime data acquisition and computing applications in the physical sciences. These applications include

Specific topics include (but are certainly not limited to) the list shown below. We welcome correspondence to see how your research fits our venue.

Abstract deadline:March 2 March 11, 2012
Program available:April 2

Suggested Topics

Realtime system architectures
Includes architectures dealing with realtime data acquisition, extraction, compression, signal processing and storage applied to the physical sciences.
Intelligent signal processing
Includes front end signal processing, ultrafast analog and timing converters, and digital signal processing mandatory to compress and extract data in real time.
Programmable devices
Includes techniques for programming FPGAs, GPUs, DSPs, and reconfigurable hardware.
Fast data transfer links and networks
Includes every data transfer protocol from local data transfer up to global fast networks with their associated hardware (routers, switches, etc.)
Trigger systems
As applied to the physical sciences.
Data acquisition
Readout data paths and system architectures as well as conceptual design for future instruments (machines and detectors)
Processing farms
Processing farms for high level trigger and online selection.
Control, monitoring, and test systems
For small and large instruments.
Improvement of existing large and small systems.
Emerging realtime technologies
Hardware, software, tools, and techniques.
New standards
ACTA/μTCA, for example.
Realtime safety and security
Dedicated instruments for scanners and conceptual design of new devices including in environmental and health applications
Feedback on experiences
Lessons learned from successes and failures.

Submitting an Abstract and PDF Supporting Materials

The path to the RT2012 program starts with submittal of an abstract no longer than 500 words, plus one or two pages of supporting material in PDF. The abstract should summarize the major points of your research.

The abstracts will be distributed to attendees. The supporting material will be available only to the Program Committee, which will use it to guide decisions related to paper selection and program organization. The PDF supporting materials may include graphs, built-up equations, photos, and other such objects that cannot be included in the plain-text abstract.

A special note to invited speakers: Attendees will use the published abstracts to plan their day. Thus, if you are an invited or otherwise featured speaker, you should submit an abstract for the benefit of attendees, even though your place in the program is assured.

To begin, create an account on our manuscript database (or use your existing account) via the Login link at the top of this page. The same account will be used later for submittal of your manuscript.

During this process, you will be asked to categorize your abstract by subject matter and to express a preference for oral or poster presentation. All participants must indicate whether they intend to give a mini-oral if their contribution is accepted as a poster. (See the section on Presentation Tips for more details about mini-orals).

Please submit and present only materials that are cleared for release—no classified documents (even at the "sensitive" or "for official use only" levels) or corporate-confidential materials.

What Happens Next

Upon submission, the following actions will be taken:

  1. The abstracts and PDF supporting materials will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
  2. Taking into account your expressed preferences for oral vs. poster presentation and the appropriate subject-matter grouping, we will lay out the program and assign specific time slots.
  3. You will then be notified of the decisions.
  4. We will publish the abstracts on the Web, and possibly in paper form for distribution to attendees.

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