RT2012 Registration

Click here to go directly to the secure registration site, https://www.npss-confs.org/rtc/registration

The preferred means of registration is online. If you prefer to register by mail, here is a downloadable hardcopy registration form, including instructions, in Portable Document Format.

Registration Fees for the Conference

By May 11 After May 11 or On-Site
IEEE Member $600 $690
Non Member $720 $840
Member (Student/Retired/
$300 $360
Non Member (Student/Retired/
$420 $480
Single Day Only $250 $250

Additional Registration Fees for the Pre-Conference Tutorials

All membership grades; same price for advance and onsite registration; RT2012 registration required. They are described in detail on our Tutorials page.
The Fine Print: All fees are in US dollars. The early registration deadline is midnight Eastern daylight time (GMT-4) on May 11.

Tickets for the conference banquet at the Berkeley Art Museum are free for full RT2012 registrants, $90 for companions and single-day registrants, and may be purchased on the conference registration website.

Tickets for the excursion to the vineyards are $30 for full RT2012 registrants, $70 for companions or single-day registrants, and may be purchased on the conference registration website. The excursion is limited to 100 people, first come, first served.

The conference banquet and vineyards excursion are described in detail on our Social Program page.

Student Registration

Registrants who choose the Student category need to provide proof of student eligibility by e-mailing to the Registration Chair at realtimereg@ieee.org a copy of a student status certificate or ID card to by May 12 AND by bringing the original student status certificate or ID card to the registration desk at the hotel. If official proof of student status is not provided, the participant will be required to pay the full non-student registration fee to attend the conference. Additionally, postdoctoral fellows ("postdocs") do NOT qualify for the reduced Student registration rates.

Life Member Registration

Life Members must contact the Registration Chair to obtain complimentary registration.

New Member Registration

Explore the benefits of IEEE and NPSS membership and save!

An IEEE membership desk will be located close to the Registration Desk. Staff will be available to answer questions concerning the benefits of membership. By joining during the conference, non-members will receive a $50 deduction from new IEEE and NPSS membership.

Students joining at the conference will receive a year's free membership if they provide a statement from their mentor that they are full-time students. However, it is more advantageous for students to join prior to coming to the conference, in order to qualify for the reduced student registration rate.

New memberships obtained on-site will not qualify you for discounted registration at this conference. To qualify for the reduced member-only rates you must become a member prior to registering and prior to the start of the conference (and provide proof of your membership).


Write to the Registration Chair at realtimereg@ieee.org.

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